Near Infra-Red (NIR)

This dataset contains spectra of 8 types of commodities collected from two different environments. The dataset can be used to study the impact of scanning environments on the spectra distortion


This is the largest database of hyperspectral face images containing hyperspectral image cubes of 78 subjects imaged in multiple sessions. The data was captured with the CRI's VariSpec LCTF (Liquid Crystal Tunable Filter) integrated with a Photon Focus machine vision camera. There are 33 spectral bands comering the 400 - 720nm range with a 10nm step. The noise level in the dataset is relatively lower because we adapted the camera exposure time to the transmittance of the filter illumination intensity as well as CCD sensitivity in each band.


Conventionally, the texture of the object is used for material imaging. However, this method can mistake an image of an object, for the object itself. This dataset furthers a new and more relevant method to classify the material of an object. This data is richer, compared to RGB images, because the time of flight responses correlate with the material property of an object. This makes the features, thus extracted, more suitable to infer the material information.


Remote imaging systems raise unprecedented challenges in artificial intelligence. The dataset provided (extracted from the SpaceNet 6 challenge) shows SAR images having distorted intensities (compared to the expected results, the latter being visible in the RGB and NIR images which are also provided) due to the geophysics of the SAR acquisition system and the geometries of ground objects. Can we teach an Artificial Intelligence to find the right re-projections for automatically correcting such distorted and compressed intensities ?
