Force Plate

This data was collected during a validation study of our Torso-Dynamics Estimation System (TES). The TES consisted of a Force Sensing Seat (FSS) and an inertial measurement unit (IMU) that measured the kinetics and kinematics of the subject's torso motions. The FSS estimated the 3D forces, 3D moments, and 2D COPs while the IMU estimated the 3D torso angles. To validate the TES, the FSS and IMU estimates were compared to gold standard research equipment (AMTI force plate and Qualisys motion capture system, respectively). 


Kinetic Step Box was developed with the purpose for analyzing body movements by detecting vertical Ground Reaction ForcesThe objective is to test on validity and reliability of vertical Ground Reaction Forces measurement from Kinetic Step Box compared with Standard Force Plate13 females and 7 males performed sitting to standing posture on Kinetic Step Box and Standard Force Plate for 3 sets of
