bulk CMOS

This dataset contains cryogenic Id-Vd and Id-Vg data for N- and P-MOSFET (W/L = 10 μm/1μm) from 300 K to 4 K. These data contain the I-V data corresponding to different Vds, including the data of linear region and saturation region. A Keysight B1500A semiconductor analyzer attached to a pulse tube refrigerator was used to measure these data. The transconductance, threshold voltage, subthreshold swing, and other parameters of Cryo-CMOS can be obtained by processing these data. 


Cryogenic CMOS (cryo-CMOS) circuits are of-
ten hindered by the cryogenic threshold-voltage increase.
To mitigate such an increase, a forward body biasing (FBB)
technique in bulk CMOS is proposed, which can reliably
operate up to the nominal supply without problematic leak-
age currents, thanks to the larger diode turn-on voltage
at cryogenic temperatures. As a result, traditional circuits,
such as pass-gates, can reliably operate down to 4.2 K, and
their performance is augmented, e.g., digital circuits speed-
