The sound part is built into many products.

It is used not only in audio systems, but also in a wide range of industries such as home theaters, broadcast amplifier systems, TVs, computers, AI speakers, and game consoles.

Even now, many companies are making efforts to improve the sound quality of the acoustic part.

In the future, high sound quality will be required in many industrial fields.

A wide range of industries will require high-quality technology.



The sound part is built into many products.

It is used not only in audio systems, but also in a wide range of industries such as home theaters, broadcast amplifier systems, TVs, computers, AI speakers, and game consoles.

Even now, many companies are making efforts to improve the sound quality of the acoustic part.

In the future, high sound quality will be required in many industrial fields.

A wide range of industries will require high-quality technology.



New concept high quality high performance hearing aid


A typical hearing aid can't be distinguished by mixing sounds in noisy places or in a multi-person voice environment.

This is due to the limited performance of the amplifier inside the hearing aid. This may be due to the lack of linearity of the amplifier, or because of transistor-specific characteristics.

By applying high-quality amplifier technology to these hearing aids, several sounds can be separated and listened well.



- When the material is supplemented, I will clean it up and repost it. -


A typical hearing aid can't be distinguished by mixing sounds in noisy places or in a multi-person voice environment.

This is due to the limited performance of the amplifier inside the hearing aid. This may be due to the lack of linearity of the amplifier, or because of transistor-specific characteristics.

By applying high-quality amplifier technology to these hearing aids, several sounds can be separated and listened well.


이 그룹은 음향 장비 분야의 음향 증폭기 회로에 실리콘 트랜지스터를 사용할 때 오디오 관점에서 출력 신호의 음향 특성을 향상시키는 것을 목표로합니다.
음향 증폭기 회로에서 실리콘 트랜지스터를 사용할 때 사운드 출력은 차갑고 거칠고 선명하며 풍부하지 않은 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 따라서 오디오 애호가들은 여전히 ​​진공관을 사용하는 증폭기를 좋아합니다. 오디오 애호가는 소리를들을 수있는 능력 때문에 음질을 판단하는 뛰어난 능력을 가지고 있습니다.
그래서이 그룹은 실리콘 트랜지스터의 불충분 한 사운드 특성을 제거하고 튜브의 사운드로 개선하는 방법을 보여줍니다.
이 개선 방법을 적용하여이 부분을 만드는 과정을 논의하고 마지막으로 실제 부분으로 만들 것입니다.

한국어로 쓰여진 원본이 포함되어 있습니다.

여러 파일 중 가장 큰 개정 번호 만 사용하십시오.  
나머지는 비교를위한 데이터입니다.


We propose a new concept audio system, It is an audio system with slots for inserting function units in one main body. It is a group for producing the first product for standardization. (Network audio player, DDC, DAC, PHONO equalizer, PRE Amplifier, POWER Amplifier, POWER SUPPLY, etc.)    The internal main board has slots for inserting the unit, and the corresponding unit can be installed and replaced with another compatible unit.  Function units are made in card format and can be upgraded or replaced with other branded products in the future.
