Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

To treat visual attention defficiency and train pulmonary function simulataneously, we developed new Virtual reality(VR) system. Proposed VR system is consisted of three VR training games(Rocket game, Candle game and Food game).

We conducted user study on 24 ADHD children and collected Pulmonary function test(PFT), Advanced test of attention(ATA).

In this file, we coded data into the form that can be used SPSS statstic tool.

We wanted to compare date in two ways, pre-post comparision and between-subjects comparision.


EEG brain recordings of ADHD and non-ADHD individuals during gameplay of a brain controlled game, recorded with an EMOTIV EEG headset. It can be used to design and test methods to detect individuals with ADHD.
