UF SSTDR & Environment Data: 5 Renogy panels, Winter & Summer

Citation Author(s):
University of Florida
Submitted by:
Cody LaFlamme
Last updated:
Tue, 05/17/2022 - 22:18
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This dataset was used to quantify the effects of environmental change on SSTDR measurements from solar panels. We collect illuminance (Lux), temperature (deg F), and humidity (%) alongside SSTDR waveforms on a fault free string. Data is collected once per minute in January 2020, and twice per minute in August-September 2020. 


Data Overview

This dataset consists of timestamped SSTDR baselines and environmental measurements, taken once per minute in January 2020, and twice per minute in the months of August and September 2020. The environmental factors measured are temperature, relative humidity, and illuminance. Data is collected in contiguous segments that are generally 5-7 days long.

Data Layout

The data is all located in one file, which has columns for timestamp (in epoch time), illuminance (Lux), temperature (in degrees Farenheit), and relative humidity (%). The following 92 columns form a 92-sample SSTDR waveform measurement, where each sample represents approximately 3.7404 feet of cable (based on the time delay and velocity of propagation in our cable).

Data Collection

Environment data was collected with a TR-74Ui environment sensor from T&D Corp. An enclosure was designed and 3-d printed to protect the not-waterproof sensor from rain, but still allow it to collect data. The sensors were placed adjacent to our panel string on a rooftop at the University of Florida. SSTDR measurements taken with an Arnold A0595641 from Livewire Innovation. Measurements are taken from 5 Renogy RNG-100D panels in series.

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