Temperature and Energy Output Data from a TEG Energy Harvesting Prototype

Citation Author(s):
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
Submitted by:
Michal Prauzek
Last updated:
Wed, 03/05/2025 - 04:47
Data Format:
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This dataset presents a comprehensive collection of measurements from a Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) energy harvesting prototype, equipped with nine PT100 temperature sensors and detailed recordings of voltage and current outputs. Collected over a 24-month period starting in October 2022, the data provide insights into the performance of the TEG under varying environmental conditions. The measurements, recorded at 10-second intervals, include temperature readings from different components of the TEG system as well as voltage and current data, essential for evaluating the energy conversion efficiency of the device.



 This dataset comprises detailed measurements from a Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) energy harvesting prototype. The data were collected over a 12-month period, starting in October 2022, and include readings from 9 temperature sensors (PT100) strategically applied to the TEG prototype. In addition to temperature data, the dataset also encapsulates voltage and current values generated by the TEG.


Data Collection:

Temperature Sensors: 9 PT100 temperature sensors.

Measurement Interval: Data collected at 10-second intervals.

Voltage and Current Data: Includes values from the TEG.

Location: Czech Republic, Coordinates: N49°56.789′, E18°14.379′ at an altitude of 215 meters.

Period: Data acquired from October 2022 over a period of 12 months.

Environment: The TEG device was installed approximately 0.5 meters deep in the soil.

Dataset Composition:


The dataset is organized in a CSV file with the following columns:

1)TIME: Timestamp of each measurement.

2)NI9219_CH0_OUT_GND – Ground temperature readings.

3)NI9219_CH1_OUT_AMB – Ambient temperature readings.

4)NI9216_CH0_OUT_CL – Temperature sensor T7 readings.

5)NI9216_CH1_IN_HS – Temperature sensor T6 readings.

6)NI9216_CH2_OUT_HI – Temperature sensor T4 readings.

7)NI9216_CH3_OUT_LO – Temperature sensor T2 readings.

8)NI9216_CH4_IN_HI – Temperature sensor T5 readings.

9)NI9216_CH5_IN_LO – Temperature sensor T3 readings.

10)NI9216_CH7_OUT_END – Temperature sensor T1 readings.

11)NI9219_CH2_V_TEG – TEG with Rs (series resistence) voltage readings.

12)NI9219_CH3_V_RS – Voltage across Rs (100 mΩ current shunt) readings.

13)NI9216_CH6_LO_EXT- Temperature sensor – ground 50 cm depth. (not consistent across dataset)


Notable Observations:

 The experiment encountered interruptions on five occasions, totaling 46 hours, resulting in gaps in the dataset.

Data was collected under varying environmental conditions throughout the year, providing comprehensive insights into the TEG's performance across seasons.


Potential Applications:

 This dataset is valuable for researchers and engineers focusing on renewable energy, particularly in the field of thermoelectric energy harvesting. It offers real-world data for analyzing the performance and efficiency of TEG systems in varying environmental conditions.



Bancik, K.; Konecny, J.; Konecny, J.; Mikus, M.; Choutka, J.; Hercik, R.; Koziorek, J.; Navikas, D.; Andriukaitis, D.; Prauzek, M. Powering Agriculture IoT Sensors Using Natural Temperature Differences Between Air and Soil: Measurement and Evaluation. Sensors 2024, 24, 7687. https://doi.org/10.3390/s24237687

Funding Agency: 
Operational Programme Just Transition
Grant Number: 
REFRESH – Re- search Excellence for Region Sustainability and High-tech Industries project number CZ.10.03.01/00/22 003/0000048


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