Standard Dataset
Supplementary Material to "Stability of Power Supply Bootstrapped Unity-Gain Buffers"

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Federico Guerrero
- Last updated:
- Thu, 05/16/2024 - 08:48
- DOI:
- 10.21227/pf3n-9n61
- Data Format:
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
These files are associated with the manuscript "Stability of Power Supply Bootstrapped Unity-Gain Buffers" and help reproduce and explore the figures from the paper, which show the main results. First, the results from simulation are imported and graphed as in Fig. 6. Next, the equations from the manuscript are implemented to show that they output correct predictions reproducing the Nyquist diagram from Fig. 7. Finally, the experimentally recorded step responses are imported and graphed as in Fig. 9.
These files are associated with the manuscript ``Stability of Power Supply Bootstrapped Unity-Gain Buffers'' and help reproduce and explore the figures from the paper, which show the main results.
First, the three included scripts should be acquired:
- analysis_script.m is a Matlab (MathWorks, software version R2016a) script which produces figures from the paper presenting simulation and experimental results. First, the results from simulation are imported and graphed as in Fig. 6. Next, the equations from the manuscript are implemented to show that they output correct predictions reproducing the Nyquist diagram from Fig. 7. Finally, the experimentally recorded step responses are imported and graphed as in Fig. 9.
- importfileSim.m is a function script generated automatically by Matlab to import .txt files produced by LTSpice.
- importfileScope.m is a function script generated automatically by Matlab to import .csv files produced by a digital oscilloscope.
The zipped folder “” contains:
- The file opamp_sim.acs which is an LTSpice (Analog Devices, software version XVII circuit for the operational amplifier extracted from Allen, P.E. and Holberg, D.R. ``CMOS Analog Circuit Design'' 2nd Edition 2002, Oxford University Press, Figure 6-3.2 and SPICE netlist from Table 6.6-1.
- The folder /scope which contains the .csv files produced by a digital oscilloscope used to record step responses of the experimental bootstrap circuit. The contents of each individual file are described in comments in analysis_script.m
- The folder /sim which contains the .txt files produced by simulations performed in LTSpice. The contents of each individual file are described in comments in analysis_script.m
In order to run the scripts, they should be placed in the same directory together with the /scope and /sim folders.
Dataset Files
- LTSpice operational amplifier model, simulation output files, oscilloscope export files (2.16 MB)
- Main script to process /scope and /sim data analysis_script.m (7.21 kB)
- Auxiliary function script for analysis_script importfileScope.m (2.08 kB)
- Auxiliary function script for analysis_script importfileSim.m (1.64 kB)