Sensor Characterization in High-Energy Physics Detectors Environment

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Submitted by:
Amar Kapic
Last updated:
Wed, 03/27/2024 - 10:20
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The dataset presents a comprehensive collection of environmental sensor measurements conducted under conditions typical of the harsh environment found in high-energy physics detectors. The dataset includes measurements of relative humidity obtained from a capacitive-based humidity sensor:

  • While exposed to a 24 GeV proton beam,
  • While subjected to a strong magnetic field of 2 Tesla,
  • At various negative temperatures ranging down to -30 degrees Celsius.

Additionally, the dataset captures temperature measurements (using Pt1000 sensors) obtained both before and after the irradiation process at different temperatures.


Data collection contains two subfolders:

  • RH sensors - This folder contains measurements of the relative humidity sensor taken during three different tests:
    • Exposure to a proton beam,
    • Strong magnetic field,
    • Sub-zero temperatures (down to -30 °C).
  • RTDs - This folder contains temperature measurements taken before and after the irradiation process at various temperatures ranging from -30 °C to 20 °C.