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This is the Matlab code for the Switch Opening and Exchange (SOE) method used in paper "Switch Opening and Exchange Method for Stochastic Distribution Network Reconfiguration" published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Junpeng Zhan
- Last updated:
- Tue, 05/17/2022 - 22:17
- DOI:
- 10.21227/ec4q-yb42
- Data Format:
- Research Article Link:
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The purpose of distribution network reconfiguration (DNR) is to determine the optimal topology of an electricity distribution network, which is an efficient measure to reduce network power losses. Electricity load demand and photovoltaic (PV) output are uncertain and vary with time of day, and will affect the optimal network topology. Single-hour deterministic DNR is incapable of handling this uncertainty and variability. Therefore, this paper proposes to solve a multi-hour stochastic DNR (SDNR). Existing solution methods for DNR are either inaccurate or excessively time-consuming, and are therefore incapable of solving multi-hour SDNRs for large distribution networks. In this regard, a switch opening and exchange (SOE) method is proposed. Starting from a looped network with all switches closed, the SOE consists of three steps. The first step is to sequentially open the switches until all of the loops are opened. The second and third steps modify the status of branches obtained in the first step to obtain better radial topologies. Five test systems are used to validate the accuracy and fast solution speed of the SOE and the superiority of multi-hour SDNR over single-hour deterministic DNR.
This is the Matlab code for the Switch Opening and Exchange (SOE) method used in paper "Switch Opening and Exchange Method for Stochastic Distribution Network Reconfiguration" that has been accepted by and will be published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.
Before running the code, the path to the MatPower toolbox needs to be added. The MatPower can be downloaded from
The main code is 'decrese_reconfig_xxx_tabu.m' where 'xxx' is 33, 84, 119, 136, and 417 for the five test systems used in the paper. The main code for the brute-force search method used in the paper is 'brute_force_case33.m'