Standard Dataset
End-user Development Blocks Flagging for children in Smart Home
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Zahra Kakavand
- Last updated:
- Fri, 05/12/2023 - 11:43
- DOI:
- 10.21227/yc73-7s80
- License:
- Categories:
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This dataset contains 22 blocks which are designed based on Scratch programming tool for children. These blocks are flagged by HCI experts and primary schooll teachers as "Usefule" and "Understandable".
The usefulness of the blocks are measured based on a task list provided in a brainstorming session with children of age 8-12.
16 blocks which are both "Usefule" and "Understandable" are selected and categorized in four groups. The selected blocks are as below:
4 conditional structures: if, if-else, loop, and trigger
3 status blocks: time interval, device state, and device value
6 logical operators: and, or, negation, equal, smaller than, and greater than,
3 action blocks: edit value, edit state, and show message.
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