Standard Dataset
Dataset for Macroscale Molecular Communication Testbed
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Pit Hofmann
- Last updated:
- Wed, 11/20/2024 - 18:04
- DOI:
- 10.21227/ytkm-xp81
- Links:
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
This data set is from a macroscale molecular communication testbed and provides a set of experimental measurement data.
The molecules used are composed of a diluted alcoholic solution, i.e., ethanol molecules. We mixed four parts of water with one part ethanol, with the mass ratio 1/4. The molecules are released by a mechanism (propulsive release) at the transmitter side, propagate through the free-space channel (assisted by an additional drift), and can be detected at the receiver side with a commercial-off-the-shelf alcohol sensor. Every 0.1 seconds, the current concentration of the ethanol molecules on the receiver side is measured. The information is consequently encoded into temporal sequences (here the temporal concentration of the ethanol molecules). Further information for the testbed setup can also be found in:
Furthermore, the dataset contains the Matlab processing code and the Matlab data visualization code .
- Publication: Explainability of Neural Networks for Symbol Detection in Molecular Communication Channels, IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multiscale Communications (
- Matlab processing code:
- Matlab visualization code:
- Measurement data set: dataset_SISO_testbed.csv (The data set contains the measured concentration on the receiver side for time steps of 0.1 seconds for 40 measurements. The first column contains the time step, columns two to 41 visualize the measurements. )
Dataset Files
- dataset_SISO_testbed.csv (84.26 kB)
- (80.27 kB)
- (238.85 kB)