C4L Image Dataset

Citation Author(s):
Moravian College
Submitted by:
Jeffrey Bush
Last updated:
Sun, 02/07/2021 - 13:36
Data Format:
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This is a collection of 2D and 3D images used for grayscale image processing tests. It includes at least 8 images of each of the following sizes:

  • 256x256 - 65.5k pixels
  • 512x512 - 262k pixels
  • 1024x1024 - 1.05m pixels
  • 1920x1080 - 2.07m pixels - 1080p or 'HD'
  • 2560x1440 - 3.69m pixels - 1440p or '2K'
  • 2560x1920 - 4.92m pixels - 5 MP camera photo
  • 256x256x128 - 8.39m voxels

Each set contains a randomly generated image. Within each image size a variety of images are includes such as smooth backgrounds, busy backgrounds, and textures.


Conversion Notes

All images that were originally in color were converted to grayscale using Rec. 601:

0.299 R + 0.587 G + 0.114 B

Original images may be cropped and/or resized to fit into one of the predefined image sizes. All images are stored as uint8-PNG images. For some images this required rescaling the data.

Image Sources

USC SIPI Image Dataset

From: sipi.usc.edu/database/database.php. Each of the photos is listed with the filename given from the USC SIPI dataset and categorized by license.
License: See sipi.usc.edu/database/copyright.php for details.

  • USC/USC-SIPI Copyright, free to use for research
    • 256x256/jellybeans.png - misc/4.1.08.tiff
    • 512x512/motioncar.png - sequences/motion04.512.tiff
    • 1024x1024/pentagon.png - aerials/3.2.25.tiff
    • 1024x1024/sandiego.png - aerials/2.2.01.tiff
  • Brodatz Textures, copyright Dover Pictorial Archive Series (see this, allowed to use up to 3 in a project)
    • 512x512/bark.png - textures/1.1.02.tiff
    • 512x512/brick wall.png - textures/1.2.12.tiff
    • 512x512/sand.png - textures/1.1.07.tiff
  • Unknown copyright status:
    • 256x256/moon.png - misc/5.1.09.tiff
    • 256x256/clock.png - misc/5.1.12.tiff
    • 256x256/chemical.png - misc/5.1.14.tiff
    • 256x256/cronkite.png - sequences/6.1.01.tiff
    • 256x256/tree.png - misc/4.1.06.tiff
    • 512x512/aerial.png - misc/5.2.09.tiff
    • 512x512/boat.png - misc/boat.512.tiff
    • 512x512/mandrill.png - misc/4.2.03.tiff
    • 512x512/pepper.png - misc/4.2.07.tiff
    • 512x512/plane.png - misc/4.2.05.tiff
    • 512x512/stream.png - misc/5.2.10.tiff
    • 512x512/tank.png - misc/7.1.03.tiff
    • 1024x1024/man.png - misc/5.3.01.tiff
    • 1024x1024/u2airplane.png - misc/7.2.01.tiff

Henry Guennadi Levkin Corpus

From: hlevkin.com/06testimages.htm.
License: Unknown.

  • 256x256/cameraman.png
  • 256x256/finger.png
  • 1920x1080/bone_scint.png
  • 1920x1080/rainier.png


From: nasa.gov and hubblesite.org.
License: Public domain.

  • 1024x1024/neptune.png
  • 1920x1080/mars.png
  • 2560x1920/hudf.png
  • 2560x1920/sun.png


From: spacex.com/media.
License: Public domain.

  • 2560x1440/demo1ready.png
  • 2560x1440/rocket.png
  • 2560x1440/rocketbay.png

Cancer Imaging Archive

From: cancerimagingarchive.net.
License: CC BY 3.0.
General citation: Clark K et al. (December, 2013) "The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA): Maintaining and Operating a Public Information Repository", Journal of Digital Imaging, Volume 26, Number 6, pp 1045-1057.

Each individual collection within the archive also has its own citation:


  • Data used in this publication were generated by the National Cancer Institute Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC).
  • The results shown here are in whole or part based upon data generated by the TCGA Research Network: cancergenome.nih.gov.

Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS)

From: oasis-brains.org
License: CC BY 4.0.
Citation: Marcus, DS, Fotenos, AF, Csernansky, JG, Morris, JC, Buckner, RL (2010). "Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS): Longitudinal MRI Data in Nondemented and Demented Older Adults." Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 2677-2684. doi:10.1162/jocn.2009.21407.

National Archives Videos

From catalog.archives.gov.
License: Public domain.

  • 256x256x128/splashing/*.png - catalog.archives.gov/id/37490 Moving Images No. 131-B-10; "CAMP ACTIVITIES OF BOYS AND GIRLS," ca. 1937-1940; Records of the Office of Alien Property, Record Group 131; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.
  • 256x256x128/crowd/*.png - catalog.archives.gov/id/49737 Moving Images No. 306.3394; "The March In Washington - 1963," August 1963; Records of the U.S. Information Agency, Record Group 306; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD.


Electron Microscopy

The 'em' images that are present in each image size are from the 'neuropil' dataset collected for Bush, J (2018). "Spatial Distribution of Subcellular Organelles in Hippocampal Dendrites from High-Resolution EM Images." UC San Diego. This subset is licensed under CC BY 4.0.


These photos were personally taken.
License: CC BY 4.0.

  • 1920x1080/stone.png
  • 1920x1080/rocklayers.png
  • 2560x1440/sandyrock.png
  • 2560x1440/thewave.png


All random images were generated for this image dataset as uniform random generated images. All of them can be used without any license (CC0).