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This is a part of the data map of the distribution of base stations in China. This includes 54,718 entries about base stations. Data mainly contain the MCC, newsun focus, LAC, CELL, LNG, LAT, O_LNG, O_LAT, PRECISION, ADDRESS, DAY, REGION, CITY, COUNTRY this 14 items. LNG and LAT are the longitude and latitude data, respectively, and the location of each base station can be determined according to the data under these two categories. This is a part of the data map of the distribution of base stations in China. This includes 54,718 entries about base stations.


This dataset was acquired during the dissertation entitled "Optical Camera Communications and Machine Learning for Indoor Visible Light Positioning". This work was carried out in the academic year 2020/2021 at the Instituto de Telecomunicações in Aveiro in the scope of the Integrated Master in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering at the Department of Electronics, Telecommunication and Informatics of the University of Aveiro.
