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Images with real ENF traces and related dataset for the paper named "Invisible Geolocation Signature Extraction From a Single Image" published in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (T-IFS).
If you used our dataset, please cite our paper as:
J. Choi, C.-W. Wong, A. Hajj-Ahmad, M. Wu, and Y. Ren, "Invisible geolocation signature extraction from a single image," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, pp. 2598–2613, Jun. 2022.
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Images with synthetic ENF traces and related dataset for the paper named "Invisible Geolocation Signature Extraction From a Single Image" published in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (T-IFS).
If you used our dataset, please cite our paper as:
J. Choi, C.-W. Wong, A. Hajj-Ahmad, M. Wu, and Y. Ren, "Invisible geolocation signature extraction from a single image," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, pp. 2598–2613, Jun. 2022.
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This Dataset contains EEG recordings from epileptic rats. The genetic absence epilepsy rats (GAERS) are one of the best-established rodent models for generalized epilepsy. The rats show seizures with characteristic "spike and wave discharge" EEG patterns. Experiments were performed in accordance with the German law on animal protection and were approved by the Animal Care and Ethics Committee of the University of Kiel.
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