This data is for a compact terahertz (THz) spectrometer SPICE model based on the unified charge control model with distributed channel resistances, capacitances and Drude inductances.
This dataset is for the manuscript "TCAD model for TeraFET detectors operating in a large dynamic range" submitted to IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology.
This data is for a compact terahertz (THz) SPICE/ADS model based on the extended EKV MOSFET model with channel segmentation but accounting for the distributed Drude inductance representing the electron inertia critical at THz frequencies.
The file is for an improved compact SPICE model validated for the terahertz frequency range in a large dynamic range. The model validation
was done by comparing the simulation results with the analytical THz detection theory and with the measured data for the 130 nm InGaAs/AlGaAs HFETs. The modeling results are in good agreement with the analytical THz detection theory and with the measured sub-THz response dependence on the bias, power, and polarization. It