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Datasets & Competitions

A dataset of simulated resistive drift series for an illustrative stochastic memristor.

Dataset Description

The memristor has an equilibrium resistance of approximately 500kΩ.

5000 series are generated with starting resistances sampled uniformly from the range [100Ω, 750kΩ].

Each series consists of 1001 datapoints, with the first (zeroth) point corresponding to the initial resistance, and subsequent points sampled at subsequent timesteps.

Dataset Creation


Dataset Description

A dataset containing data collected from measuring the drift characteristics titanium dioxide memristors, for a variety of initial states, under zero-bias conditions.

The devices used were TiO2 devices, with Al2O3 interstitials - the same device type as used in [1].

Data Collection

Devices were electroformed using a series of steadily increasing voltage pulses, ranging in magnitude from 3V to 10V with a step of 0.5V. The electroforming pulse widths ranged from 10µs to 100µs.
