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SDU-Haier-ND (Shandong University-Haier-Noise Detection) is a sound dataset jointly constructed by Shandong University and Haier, which contains the operating sound of the internal air conditioner collected during the product quality inspection. We collected and marked a batch of quality inspection sounds of air conditioners in real production environments to form this data set, including normal sound samples and abnormal sound samples.
SDU-Haier-AQD (Shandong University-Haier-Appearance Quality Detection) is an image dataset jointly constructed by Shandong University and Haier, which contains a various of air conditioner external unit image collected during actual detection process.The Appearance Quality Detection (AQD) dataset is consisted of 10449 images, and the samples in the dataset are collected on the actual industrial production line of air conditioner.
A dataset asscociated with paper “Learning-based Sparse Data Reconstruction for Compressed Data Aggregation in IoT Networks” in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. Five different structured sparse models (SSMs) are considered in the synthesized dataset, including random sparse (Sparse Model A), row sparse (Sparse Model B), row-sparse with embedded element-sparse (Sparse Model C), row-sparse plus element-spares (Sparse Model D) and block diagonal sparse (Block Sparse or group sparse).