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The unstable working points of the induction machine in a sensorless controller are commonly known problems. This paper proposes a new stabilization method for the model-based speed observer of an induction machine. Considering the proposed solution, the rotor speed can be reconstructed based on the mathematical model of a machine by using both adaptive and non-adaptive schemes. The presented method is generalized to the classical nonlinear system in the vector form and can be applied to induction machines. The Lyapunov theorem is used during the design procedure for stability purposes.


The sensorless control system of the interior permanent magnet machine (IPMSM) is considered in this paper. The control system is based on classical linear controllers. In IPMSM, there occurs non-sinusoidal distribution of rotor flux together with the slot harmonics, these are treated as control system disturbances. In this case, the classical observer structure in the (d-q) is unstable for the low range of rotor speed resulting in disturbances.
