Joberto S Martins's picture
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First Name: 
Joberto S
Last Name: 
Salvador University - UNIFACS
Job Title: 
Full Professor & Research Director
Computer Networks: Cognitive Management, Machine Learning, Self-Driving Networks, Resource Allocation, SDN - Software-defined Networking, Smart City, Smart Grid.
Short Bio: 
Professor at Salvador University (UNIFACS) and PhD in Computer Science at Université Pierre et Marie Curie - UPMC, Paris (1986). International Professor at HTW - Hochschule für Techknik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes (Germany) since 2003, Senior Research Period at Université of Paris-Saclay in 2016, Salvador University head and researcher at NUPERC (Computer Network Group) and IPQoS (IP QoS Group) research groups on Resource Allocation, Bandwidth Allocation Models - BAMs, Software Defined Networking - OpenFlow, Cognitive Management, Machine Learning, Self-Driving Networks, Smart Cities and Smart Grid, . Previously worked as Invited Professor at Université Paris VI and Institut National des Télécommunications (INT) in France and as key speaker, teacher and invited lecturer in various international congresses and companies in Brazil, US and Europe.

Datasets & Competitions

Tourism is increasing worldwide and has many benefits for countries and cities, such as creating jobs, increasing company revenue, and improving government tax collection. As such, tourism is an unstoppable trend followed by countries and municipalities that try to stimulate this activity. However, unexpected impacts of this, in principle, wealthy activity must be observed.
