First Name: 
Last Name: 
Motie Nasrabadi
Shahed University
Job Title: 
Full professor
Biomedical signal Processing, Computational Neuroscience
Short Bio: 
Ali Motie Nasrabadi received the BS degree in Electronic Engineering in 1994 and the MSc and PhD degrees in Biomedical Engineering in 1999 and 2004 respectively, from Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. In 2004, he joined the biomedical engineering department, Faculty of Engineering, Shahed University. From 2004 to 2011 he was an Assistant Professor, from 2011 to 2017 he was an Associate Professor and since 2017, he has been a full Professor there. His current research interests include Biomedical Signal Processing, Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and computational neuroscience. Particular applications include: EEG Signal Processing in Mental Task Activities, Hypnosis, BCI, finding biomarker for psychiatric disorder and Epileptic Seizure Prediction. He has supervised or advised over 50 MS theses or PhD dissertations and coauthored more than 100 publications in journals and conference records. He is a board member of the Iranian society for biomedical engineering and has served on the scientific committees of several national conferences and review boards of more than 5 scientific journals.

Datasets & Competitions


Participants were 61 children with ADHD and 60 healthy controls (boys and girls, ages 7-12). The ADHD children were diagnosed by an experienced psychiatrist to DSM-IV criteria, and have taken Ritalin for up to 6 months. None of the children in the control group had a history of psychiatric disorders, epilepsy, or any report of high-risk behaviors.

