Matthias Kastner's picture
Real name: 
The data is processed on Gitlab as a static website. See the "External links" section. Detailed instructions are available in the README on the s3 bucket and the Gitlab repository. The primary data sources are under control of WaveMetrics Igor Pro. Exports of the images to *.tif, *.json, and *.ibw are available through DVC. The images are directly available in the bucket through DVC. `*.tif`: lossless image format, `*.json`: data structure in [plotly]( style. The image data object lies in `/data/z`, `*.ibw`: binary format for [Igor Pro]( Use `dvc pull "*.json"` to skip the export step and directly pull all JSON files. This allows to skip intermediate steps for downloading all large data. You could also download the image `*.tif` files in this step if you want to do image analysis. Tiff is a lossless format and should give you all the benefits of the json files without the need to do programming.
First Name: 
Last Name: 
Universität Würzburg
Job Title: 
nano sciences
What's New?: 
Data Version Control (DVC) added, Updated README.MD and LICENSE

Datasets & Competitions

The dataset contains high-resolution microscopy images and confocal spectra of semiconducting single-wall carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes allow down-scaling of electronic components to the nano-scale. There is initial evidence from Monte Carlo simulations that microscopy images with high digital resolution show energy information in the Bessel wave pattern that is visible in these images. In this dataset, images from Silicon and InGaAs cameras, as well as spectra, give valuable insights into the spectroscopic properties of these single-photon emitters.
