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University of Canberra, Australia
Job Title: 
Sessional Academic
Biomedical Signal Processing, Image Processing, Healthcare Monitoring Systems, Machine Learning
Short Bio: 
Dr. Rahul Kher received B.E (Electronics) from Sardar Patel University in 1997, M.Tech (Electrical Engineering) from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee in 2006 and Ph.D (Electronics & Communication Engineering) from Sardar Patel University in 2014. He has a teaching and research experience of over 23 years. His research interests include Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, Medical image analysis, Healthcare monitoring systems and Soft Computing techniques. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and was the founder Secretary of Signal Processing Society (SPS) Chapter of IEEE Gujarat Section during 2013-2015. He is a Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) and Institute of Engineers (India) and Senior Member of IETI- Hong Kong. He has visited countries like Japan, USA, UK , Canada, Indonesia and Thailand for various purposes.

Datasets & Competitions

EEG signals of various subjects in text files are uploaded. It can be useful for various EEG signal processing algorithms- filtering, linear prediction, abnormality detection, PCA, ICA etc.


EEG signals of various subjects in text files are uploaded. It can be useful for various EEG signal processing algorithms- filtering, linear prediction, abnormality detection, PCA, ICA etc.


This dataset provides the ECG signals recorded in ambulatory (moving) conditions of subjects. The ambulatory ECG (A-ECG) data acquired with two different recorders viz. Biopac MP36 Acquisition system and a self-developed wearable ECG recorder are made available. Total 10 subjects' (with avg. age of 27 years, 1 female and 9 males) ECG signals with four body movements- Left & Right arm up/down, Sitting down & standing up and Waist twist are uploaded.

An EEG signals dataset is also provided here.
