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Datasets & Competitions

This dataset contains signals collected from 10 commercial-off-the-shelf Wi-Fi devices by an USRP X310 equipped with four receiving antennas. It comprises signals affected by various channel conditions, which is intended for use by the researchers in the development of a channel-robust RFFI system. The preprocessed preamble segments, estimated CFO values and device labels are provided. Please refer to the README document for more detailed information about the dataset.


This dataset contains LTE access signals (PRACH) emitted by 7 mobile phones and 1 USRP B205 software defined radio platform equipment. Files are stored in MAT form that can be read by MATLAB. The dataset of the mobile phone includes data from 3 different locations (\dif_loc), 3 different test times (\dif_date), and 3 different power-on times (\dif_working). The software defined radio platform equipment dataset consists of 3 datasets at different locations and 3 different test times.
