interference mitigation

This radar raw datasets are collected with the FMCW radar system --- PARSAX in Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. Two datasets are included, in which one is the echo scattered from a stationary industrial chimney and the other one is the echo of rain droplets. The radar echo of chimney was acquired in one FMCW signal sweep. And the echo of the rain droplets was measured over 512 sweeps, which can be used for both range profile and range-Doppler processing. In both radar datasets, the echoes of targets were contaminated by interferences.
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In the attached dataset, a continuous record of 2493 chirp-sequence FMCW radar burst is presented. The data consist of the direct ADC output of an AWR1443BOOST radar board from Texas Instruments during 47.37 s of continuous operation. During this time, two FMCW radars of the model AWR1642BOOST were continuously transmitting sweeps with its main lobe aimed towards the first radar. This produces the apparition of two different uncorrelated interferences at the victim radar side, which can be seen on different indexes of the provided capture.
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