We propose a practical method to construct sparse integer-constrained cone singularities with low distortion constraints for conformal parameterizations. Our solution for this combinatorial problem is a two-stage procedure that first enhances sparsity for generating an initialization and then optimizes to reduce the number of cones and the parameterization distortion. Central to the first stage is a progressive process to determine the combinatorial variables, i.e., numbers, locations, and angles of cones.
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We propose a practical method to construct sparse integer-constrained cone singularities with low distortion constraints for conformal parameterizations. Our solution for this combinatorial problem is a two-stage procedure that first enhances sparsity for generating an initialization and then optimizes to reduce the number of cones and the parameterization distortion. Central to the first stage is a progressive process to determine the combinatorial variables, i.e., numbers, locations, and angles of cones.
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Computer simulations are used to assess the impact of thermal insulation on the transfer of heat and moisture in the exterior walls of residential buildings. The effects of internal and external thermal insulation on a room in a terraced family house are compared using the COMSOL Multiphysics software package, evaluating the influence of the placement of expanded polystyrene thermal insulation on the distribution of heat and moisture in the external wall while monitoring the indoor air temperature during the heating and cooling regimes.
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As the global aging population continues to grow, there has been a significant increase in the number of fall-related injuries among the elderly, primarily due to reduced muscle strength and balance control, especially during sit-to-stand (STS) movements. Intelligent wearable robots have the potential to provide fall prevention assistance to individuals at risk, but an accurate and timely assessment of human movement stability is essential.
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Dependence of refractive index (RI) of seawater on salinity, temperature and wavelength n (S, T, λ) in infrared band is required.However, almost all the existing empirical formulas of the RI of seawater are suitable for the visible waveband (400 nm - 700 nm). There is little report on developing the RI expression of seawater in infrared band, especially the most commonly used 1200 nm - 1650 nm waveband.
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The dataset is the sampling dataset from EURLEX57k and built for multi-answer questioning task with EUROVOC. , Each legal document in the EURLEX57k dataset is assigned several labels from the European Vocabulary (EUROVOC), which maintains thousands of concepts such as "export industry" and "organic acid". Before building the data, the sample is chosen. A Z-scorebased online sample size calculator is used to determine the sample sizes. The given confidence level is 95%. A 5% margin of uncertainty is used. The computation results in a 381 out of 45,000 train sample size.
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我们的模拟使用Pycharm IDE,编译器版本是Python 3.8。我们的模拟在 Linux 5.10.0-8 通用系统上运行,使用第 11 代英特尔 (R) 酷睿 (TM) i7-11800H @ 2.30-GHz 处理器。仿真中使用的参数都是 Pypbc 库的标准参数
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CMOS-MEMS resonators seamlessly integrated in advanced integrated circuit (IC) technology have the unique capability to enable unprecedented integration of stable frequency references, acoustic spectral processors, and physical sensors. Demonstrations of transducers leveraging piezoelectric properties of emerging ferroelectric materials such as Hafnium Zirconium Oxide (HZO) and Aluminum Scandium Nitride (AlScN) enable high figure of merit (FOM = k^2Q) resonators over a wide range of frequencies.
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<p>Legged robots have demonstrated high potential when dealing with rough terrain, for which an efficient motion planner becomes crucial. This paper presents a novel approach for quadrupedal robot motion planning on rough terrain, which is both conceptually straightforward and computationally efficient. Implementing the concept of workspace constitutes the cornerstone of this method: both body poses and swing-leg footholds are chosen within their corresponding workspace.
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