
All primes can be indexed by $k$, as primes must be in the form of
$6k+1$ or $6k-1$. In this paper, we explore for what $k$ such that
either $6k+1$ or $6k-1$ is not a prime. The results can sieve primes
and especially twin primes.
$k \in S_{l} \Rightarrow 6k-1 \not \in \mathbb{P}$, $k \in S_{r}
\Rightarrow 6k+1 \not \in \mathbb{P},$ where $S_{l} = [-I]_{6I+1} =
[I]_{6I-1} \backslash \min([I]_{6I-1}), I \in \mathbb{N},$ and
$S_{r} = [-I]_{6I-1} \cup [I]_{6I+1} \backslash \min([I]_{6I+1}), I
\in \mathbb{N}.$ That is,
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