Open Access
Palisade: A Framework for Anomaly Detection in Embedded Systems Dataset
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Sean Kauffman
- Last updated:
- Thu, 06/18/2020 - 17:44
- DOI:
- 10.21227/44z5-9k90
- License:
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This dataset accompanies the article "Palisade: A Framework for Anomaly Detection in Embedded Systems." It contains traces, programs, and specifications used in the case studies from the paper.
Case Study 1: Autonomous Vehicle - Comparison between Siddhi and Palisade nfer processor
- cs1_gear_flip_flop_data.csv - the data used in the Gear Flip-Flop anomaly study and the comparison with Siddhi
- cs1_comparison.nfer - the nfer specification used in the comparison with Siddhi
- cs1_comparison.siddhi - the siddhi specification used in the comparison with Siddhi
Case Study 2: ADAS-on-a-treadmill - Comparison between Beep Beep 3 and Palisade rangeCheck and lossDetect processors
- cs2_platoon_dead_spot_data.csv - the data used in the Platoon Dead-Spot anomaly study and the comparison with Beep Beep 3
- cs2_platoon_no_anomaly_data.csv - data used for training in the Platoon Dead-Spot anomaly study
- cs2_platoon_range_model.json - trained model used by the rangeCheck processor
- - Beep Beep 3 program to check both range and loss
- - Beep Beep 3 program to print events
- - Beep Beep 3 program to read from a file and publish events to the RangeCheck program
- - Custom Beep Beep 3 event class used in the comparison
Dataset Files
- Case Study 1 files case_study1.tar.gz (213.60 kB)
- Case Study 2 files case_study2.tar.gz (270.39 kB)
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