Open Access
HMMC data files

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Soo Hyoung Lee
- Last updated:
- Fri, 02/07/2020 - 04:09
- DOI:
- 10.21227/ywme-tt86
- License:
- Categories:
This paper proposes the partially-signed binary voltage control (PSBVC) method for hybrid modular multilevel converter (HMMC), which has the mixture of half-bridge submodules (HB-SMs) and full-bridge submodules (FB-SMs). With the proposed PSBVC method, the HMMC can generate a large number of voltage levels with much less SMs than the existing modular multilevel converter (MMC) by having different voltage values for each FB-SM. That is, all HB-SMs have the same voltage value of VDC/m, and their sum in an arm is the same as the DC-link voltage, VDC. On the contrary, the voltages of FB-SM are sequentially decreased by half from HB-SM voltage (i.e., VDC/2m, VDC/4m, …, VDC/(2n×m)). As the voltage level becomes more sophisticated, the circulating current decreases effectively because the voltages of HB-SMs are tightly regulated. As the result, the HMMC is superior in not only harmonic performance but also circulating current.To verify the effectiveness of proposed PSBVC method applied to the HMMC, its controller is firstly designed by electro-magnetic transients program (EMTP). Then, it is experimentally verified with the hardware prototype of HMMC. Finally, the main advantages of HMMC based on the proposed PSBVC method are emphasized by comparing with the existing MMC in detail.
raw data files (EMTP, RTDS(real time HIL test), hardware test results)
Dataset Files
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