Standard Dataset
Dataset for testing the performance of colorful FPM reconstruction
- Citation Author(s):
- Jizhou Zhang
- Submitted by:
- Jizhou Zhang
- Last updated:
- Tue, 05/17/2022 - 22:17
- DOI:
- 10.21227/H2QQ2V
- Data Format:
- Research Article Link:
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
This dataset is a human blood smear section FPM dataset for testing the performance of colorful FPM reconstruction. The subdirectories 'R', 'G' and 'B ' contain images corresponding to red, green and blue light with 30ms exposure time. The subdirectory 'W' contains the multiplex images with 10ms exposure time. The subdirectory 'K' contains one dark-frame for using dark-frame denoising method. The subdirectory '20X' contains high-resolution images captured with a 20X objective lens for comparison.
% This dataset is a human blood smear section FPM dataset for testing the
% performance of colorful FPM reconstruction. The subdirectories 'R', 'G'
% and 'B ' contain images corresponding to red, green and blue light with
% 30ms exposure time. The subdirectory 'W' contains the multiplex images
% with 10ms exposure time. The subdirectory 'K' contains one dark-frame for
% using dark-frame denoising method. The subdirectory '20X' contains
% high-resolution images captured with a 20X objective lens for comparison.
% The parameters of our system are as follows.
% 2018/05/02, Jizhou Zhang.
%---------------------ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MICRONS------------------------
%---------------------parameters of the microscope------------------------
image_px = 6.5; % the actual pixel size of sensor
magnification = 4; % the magnification of the objective
uniform_px = image_px/magnification;% the uniform pixel size
wavelength_R = 0.629; % wavelength of light used for simulated illumination
wavelength_G = 0.505; % wavelength of light used for simulated illumination
wavelength_B = 0.460; % wavelength of light used for simulated illumination
LED_spacing = 8128; % distance between LEDs in the array
illumination_distance = 98000;% distance from the LED matrix to the object
NA_obj = 0.13; % Numerical aperture of simulated imaging system
%---------------------parameters of the LED matrix------------------------
illumination_layers = 7; % no of layers of a spiral square matrix of LEDs used to illuminate the setup
N = 2*illumination_layers - 1;% side of square of illumination matrix
dx_R = 0; dy_R = 0; % the position deviation of red led
dx_G = -460;dy_G = 0; % the position deviation of green led
dx_B = 770; dy_B = 0; % the position deviation of blue led
LED_x = double( ((1:N)-illumination_layers)*LED_spacing ); % the x position of LEDs
LED_y = double( ((1:N)-illumination_layers)*LED_spacing ); % the y position of LEDs
[LED_x, LED_y] = meshgrid(LED_x, LED_y); % the coordinate matrix
LED_num = N*N; % number of LED
LED_x = reshape(LED_x',[1,LED_num]);
LED_y = reshape(LED_y',[1,LED_num]);
LED_R_x = LED_x - dx_R;
LED_R_y = LED_y - dy_R;
LED_G_x = LED_x - dx_G;
LED_G_y = LED_y - dy_G;
LED_B_x = LED_x - dx_B;
LED_B_y = LED_y - dy_B;
%---------------------parameters of the image patch------------------------
cx = 1280; % the x position of image center
cy = 1080; % the y position of image center
patch_cx = 1300; % the x position of image patch
patch_cy = 1020; % the x position of image patch
half_width = 80; % the half width of image patch