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Fault-Tolerant Fractional-Slot PMSMs with One Coil Parallel Branches Made Phases – Part 2: Circulating Harmonic Current Rejection Potential

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Ahmed Masmoudi
- Last updated:
- Wed, 04/15/2020 - 02:05
- DOI:
- 10.21227/fnrn-yv78
- License:
The paper is aimed at a class of fractionalslot
permanentmagnet synchronousmachines (FSPMSMs)
equipped with phases made up of one coil parallel
branches, with emphasis on their potential to reject the
harmonic currents circulating in the loops created by the
parallel branches. Following the identification and topological
characterization of this class of machines in Part 1,
the star of slots approach is extended to the analysis of
the back-EMF harmonic content. This makes it possible the
investigation of the possible circulating harmonic currents
by checking the phase shifts between the different back-
EMF harmonics induced in the coils belonging to each
phase. It is shown that all identified candidates exhibit
the potential to reject the circulating harmonic currents.
The paper is achieved by a case study dedicated to a
candidate equipped with three phases made up of six
parallel branches including a single coil each. Following
an analysis of its back-EMF harmonic content, the torquespeed
characteristic is analytically-predicted and validated
by 2D finite element analysis and by experiments.
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