Estimated Component Values for Pierce Oscillator Circuit at Room Temperature

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Submitted by:
Jude Zanoni
Last updated:
Thu, 10/24/2024 - 10:33
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This dataset describes the measured or calculated values of most components shown in the Dataset Image. These components were used to accurately model a Pierce oscillator circuit for RT operation. Each bond wire (W1, W2, etc.) is represented by a series resistance and inductance placed parallel with a capacitor, all calculated based upon the length of the wire. Each inconel and standard coaxial cable (CI1-2 and CO1-2) is represented with the same three components. The inductance and capacitance being calculated based upon measured cable length and the series resistance being measured using a standard multimeter. Each inductor (L1 and L2) is represented by an inductance, series resistance, and parallel capacitance all measured using an LCR meter. Each ground plane section (T1, T2, etc.) is represented by a series resistance based upon sheet resistance per square. Sheet resistance was estimated by measuring resistance over long rectangular sections of ground plane using a multimeter. 



This data is intended to be used with the Microcap 12 schematic attached as a script for this entry. In the table, all entries in the "component" column correspond to an element in the simplified schematic view used as the image for this entry. This dataset can be utilized by installing Microcap 12, downloading the .cir file attached as a script for this data, and running an AC simulation with the saved limits. This can be done by clicking:

Analysis --> AC --> Run (in the limits window pop-up)

The purpose of the data gathered here is to create an accurate model of a Pierce oscillator circuit assembled using gold paste on an alumina board and 1 mil gold and 4 mil platinum wires as connectors for components. Inconel and standard coaxial cables as well as the gold trace used for a ground plane are modeled for their impact on the circuit as well. The only components not included in the table were large value capacitors assumed to be close enough to their nominal value to not have a large impact on the circuit performance (C3 and C4).