Standard Dataset
Low-Complexity Gradient-Based Algorithm for Phase-Only Pattern Synthesis

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Yao Wen Hsu
- Last updated:
- Mon, 09/09/2024 - 06:06
- DOI:
- 10.21227/e6xy-qh50
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
This is the supporting data sets for the paper entitled “Low-Complexity Gradient-Based Algorithm for Phase-Only Pattern Synthesis”, which introduce a gradient-based algorithm for phased array pattern synthesis with element phase only. The algorithm can be applied to linear and planar arrays, obtaining the required element phases for arbitrary patterns with desired tolerance, and minimizing nulls or sidelobe levels (SLL). The file contains element phases for the results demonstrated in the paper and a script to read the element phases to regenerate the array patterns. The file is separated into 3 parts, corresponding to the results demonstrated in Section III, Section IV, and Appendix.
There are three kinds of files in each folder. The text file (.txt, encoded UTF8) contains the element phases. Python notebook file (.ipynb) file for Python users and Matlab livescript file (.mlx), along with .m file, for Matlab users. The Python and Matlab versions are equivalent and the user can choose either.
Please refer to the paper for detailed synthesizing Criteria.
Section 3:
Table1.txt, Table3.txt, and Fig5.txt contain phases for linear arrays with half-wavelength spacing. The continuous phases are in radians, and the quantized phases are referred to as the states of the phase shifter.
Fig6.txt and Table4.txt contain the element phases for planar-array examples. The data structure is:
Element x-position normalized to half wavelength.
Element y-position normalized to half wavelength.
element phases in radians.
Section 4:
Section 4 contains the results from the proposed algorithm and the Matlab toolbox
Fig 8.txt contains phases for linear arrays with half-wavelength spacing. with structure
phase from the proposed algorithm in radian
phase from ITP (Matlab function fmincon) in radian
phase from GA (Matlab function ga) in radian
phase from SRG (Matlab function surrogateopt) in radian
Fig 9.txt contains phases for linear arrays with half-wavelength spacing. with structure with structure
phase from the proposed algorithm in radian
phase from GA (Matlab function ga) in radian
phase from SRG (Matlab function surrogateopt) in radian
Fig 10.txt contains phases for linear arrays with half-wavelength spacing. with structure
phase from the proposed algorithm in radian
phase from ITP (Matlab function fmincon) in radian
Appendix contains a demonstration of sidelobe and null identification using the companion matrix method and the results using grid-search to replace the companion matrix method
Table 10.txt contains phases for linear arrays with half-wavelength spacing. with structure
continuous element phase from the proposed algorithm
continuous element ITP
quantized element phase from the proposed algorithm
quantized element ITP