Traffic analysis

This repository contains the results of 30 public Internet browsing experiments, from a computer at the campus network of the Public University of Navarre, out of which 20 used plaintext HTTP browsing, while 10 used HTTPS. We present both the original data sources in the form of network packet traces and HAR waterfalls, as well as the processed results formatted as line-based text files.


This repository contains the results of running more than 70 samples of ransomware, from different families, dating  since 2015. It contains the network traffic (DNS and TCP) and the Input/Output (I/O) operations generated by the malware while encrypting a network shared directory. These data are contained in three files for each ransomware sample: one with the information from the DNS requests, other with the TCP connections another one containing the I/O operations. This information can be useful for testing new and old ransomware detection tools and compare their results.


Desktops and laptops can be maliciously exploited to violate privacy. In this paper, we consider the daily battle between the passive attacker who is targeting a specific user against a user that may be adversarial opponent. In this scenario, while the attacker tries to choose the best vector attack by surreptitiously monitoring the victim’s encrypted network traffic in order to identify user’s parameters such as the Operating System (OS), browser and apps. The user may use tools such as a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or even change protocols parameters to protect his/her privacy.
