Space weather

This data set consists of broadband VLF data that is used to calculate polarization for the paper titled "Polarization-Based VLF Remote Sensing of Transient Ionospheric Disturbances."  The data is collected on two orthogonal magnetic loop antennas with 16-bit resolution at 100 kHz sample rate, with timing provided by a GPS-trained oscillator.  EG is East Granby, Connecticut, and CN is Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  The start dates and start times for the file are encoded in the file title: YYMMDDHHMMSS.


The geomagnetic disturbances create large-scale geo-magnetically induced currents (GICs) in long conductors at the Earth's surface. The GIC might cause hazard to many infrastructures, out of which, the electrical transmission lines located at the vicinity of ocean is the prime example. The unique physics behind this phenomena lies at the sharp contrast in the electrical conductivity between ocean and continent.


The geomagnetic disturbances caused during the solar storms create large-scale geo-magnetically induced currents (GICs) in long conductors at the Earth's surface. The GIC might cause hazard to the electrical transmission lines located at the vicinity of ocean. The unique physics behind this phenomena lies at the sharp contrast in the electrical conductivity between ocean and continent. Though analytical methods were used previously to study electromagnetic fields at ocean-continent boundaries, those were only limited for highly simplified geometries and sinusoidal sources.
