
Reverberation chamber (RC) is a metal cavity which is often used for EMC measurements. During the last couple of decades, RC has proved to be a useful tool for Over-the-air (OTA) measurements such as antenna efficiency, diversity gain, etc. A well stirred RC produces Rayleigh fading environment which is considered as a common test environment for testing and simulating performance of wireless devices such as mobile phones in GSM, WCDMA, UMTS and LTE frequency ranges.


In this data set, a power transistor’s uncertainty added S-parameters, its estimated S-parameters, uncertainty added S-parameters of a power amplifier circuit, uncertainty added S-parameters of a cascaded amplifier, and amplifier’s design files are presented. Sumitomo’s GaAs-FET FLL57MK is used for the measurements and design. Cadence AWR is used for the power amplifier design. The power amplifier is designed for 2.4 GHz, using S-parameters.
