
This dataset provides a GraphML‐based representation of an interdependent infrastructure system, covering power, water, transportation, and community infrastructures. Each node is annotated with key attributes such as resource type, criticality, societal vulnerability score (SVS), and capacity—while directed edges capture the flow or dependency relationships among these resources. The dataset facilitates resilience and recovery analysis by enabling repair order simulation, based on certain metrics‐based prioritization.
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This study focuses on the ability of inverters to restart the grid after a blackout, known as black start. This study used two different electrical distribution systems, such as IEEE 123 and K1, to integrate Self-synchronized Universal Droop Controller (SUDC)-based inverters. A 300- and 600-node system was built based on the IEEE 123 and K1 test grid in a real-time simulator. This study included a strategy for planning high penetration of renewable energy using grid-forming inverters for a reliable and resilient supply of electricity for critical loads.
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This data set contains all required data in "Online Coordination of LNG Tube Trailer Dispatch and Resilience Restoration of Integrated Power-Gas Distribution Systems"
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