Overcurrent Protection
This is an example of a signal from an RCD reading from a 7W Led Lamp load. The data is titled with two status: 0 for normal condition (NC) and 1 for single fault condition (SFC). From the signal, It was evident that the peak voltage fluctuated over a certain time. The signal waveform displayed a positive peak and a negative peak alternatively in a comparable amount of time, while lacking any distinct cosine form or fixed values for the peak voltages. It was discovered through measuring that time period that it had the same frequency of 50 Hz as the source of the input.
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This file contains the ETAP simulation of IEEE 242-2001. This file is part of the work published in "Protection coordination analysis under a real-time architecture for industrial distribution systems based on the Std IEEE 242-2001” and "Modern Concerns and Challenges of Over-Current Protection Coordination in Distribution Systems". Please contact the author for more information.
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