Note that, you must register on https://www.scholat.com, and join our team "new_media", finally download the dataset. Pretecting the user pravicy.
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Each record in the dataset includes 7 fields:
UserID, CurrentChannel, NextChannel, Date, TimeSection, StartTime, Duration.
The meanings of them are respectively as follows,
1. UserID : the number of a user, sorted in descending order by the number of channels he/she has switched during the period of time; [1, 13246].
2. CurrentChannel: the channel ID viewed by the user in the current time section.
3. NextChannel: the channel ID which the user would view in the next time section.
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This dataset includes the Channels Switch Sequences of 300 IPTV viewers in Guangzhou, P.R. China, in Augest, 2014. There are 4 columns in the file, which represent viewer ID, the current channel number, the next channel number, the date of the month, respectively. The first column, the ID code of a viewer, ranks in descent with the times the viewer watched tv channels. The more times a viewer watches tv channels, the bigger the ID is. In a day, the rows are time series and generated step by step as the real watching tv behavior.
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This dataset includes the Channels Switch Sequences of 300 IPTV viewers in Guangzhou, P.R. China, in Augest, 2014.
There are 4 columns in the file, which represent viewer ID, the current channel number, th next channel number, the date of the month, respectively.
The first column, the ID code of a viewter, ranks with the times the viewer watched tv channels. The more times a viewer watches tv channels, the bigger
the ID is. In a day, the rows are time series and generated step by step as the real watching tv behavior.
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