Industrial Communication

Modern, industrial automation is unthinkable without wireless communications. Thereby, wireless links provide the necessary flexibility for industrial real-time applications. On the other side, these applications need at the  same time a wireless communications link that works ultra-reliably. In communications systems, unreliability can be traced back to the fading behavior of the wireless radio channel as the medium between the communicating entities.


Modern, industrial use cases for wireless communications are related to mobile applications such as moving robotics in industrial environments. For the design of communication systems, the behavior of the radio channel, especially over time, is of great importance. Most of the existing data sets for industrial radio channels originate from static measurement procedures, containing an arbitrary subset of the environment.


In this dataset, we provide detailed traffic stream data for the Spot robot, including both the Spot robot control traffic stream and the Spot video stream. The Spot robot traffic streams provide realistic traffic data for communication network evaluations, e.g., for measurements with the TSN FlexText testbed. Furthermore, we share data for the tactile internet including audio, video, and robotic communication. Finally, the dataset includes generic data streams for three different intervals (0.2ms, 0.3ms, and 0.5ms) with two different Ethernet frame sizes.
