diffeomorphic registration
This dataset acompanies our article titled "Insights into traditional Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping and unsupervised deep-learning for diffeomorphic registration and their evaluation", Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2024. This paper explores the connections between traditional Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping methods and unsupervised deep-learning approaches for non-rigid registration, particularly emphasizing diffeomorphic registration.
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The class of registration methods proposed in the framework of Stokes Large Deformation
Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping is a particularly interesting family of physically
meaningful diffeomorphic registration methods.
Stokes-LDDMM methods are formulated as a conditioned variational problem,
where the different physical models are imposed using the associated partial differential equations
as hard constraints.
The most significant limitation of Stokes-LDDMM framework is its huge computational complexity.
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