COVID-19 Twitter Sentiment

In Indian sub-continent COVID-19 second wave started in early March 2021 and its effect was more lethal than the first wave, the confirmed cases and the death rate was higher than in the first wave. Unlike the national lockdown in 2020, this year different states have started imposing lockdown like restrictions spanning April-June 2021. This paper investigates the sentiments of the people using twitter messages during early period of the second wave. Two-weeks data is manually annotated and several machine learning models were built.
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This India-specific COVID-19 tweets dataset has been curated using the large-scale Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tweets Dataset. This dataset contains tweets originating from India during the first week of each of the four phases of nationwide lockdowns initiated by the Government of India. For more information on filtering keywords, please visit the primary dataset page.
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This dataset gives a cursory glimpse at the overall sentiment trend of the public discourse regarding the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter. The live scatter plot of this dataset is available as The Overall Trend block at The trend graph reveals multiple peaks and drops that need further analysis. The n-grams during those peaks and drops can prove beneficial for better understanding the discourse.
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This dataset (GeoCOV19Tweets) contains IDs and sentiment scores of geo-tagged tweets related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The real-time Twitter feed is monitored for coronavirus-related tweets using 90+ different keywords and hashtags that are commonly used while referencing the pandemic. Complying with Twitter's content redistribution policy, only the tweet IDs are shared. The tweet IDs in this dataset belong to the tweets created providing an exact location.
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This dataset (COV19Tweets) includes CSV files that contain IDs and sentiment scores of the tweets related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The real-time Twitter feed is monitored for coronavirus-related tweets using 90+ different keywords and hashtags that are commonly used while referencing the pandemic. The oldest tweets in this dataset date back to October 01, 2019. This dataset has been wholly re-designed on March 20, 2020, to comply with the content redistribution policy set by Twitter.
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