Blockchain Ethereum Layer2 complex network

This shows an example run of LUMEN and its efficiency in computation time, verification time, and proof size ran 100 times under the parameters of alpha = 512, d = 16, p = 64. LUMEN is a novel set of algorithms generating efficient and transparent zk-SNARKs: LUMEN consists of a recursive polynomial commitment scheme and a new interactive polynomial oracle proof protocol, which is compiled into efficient and transparent zk-SNARKs with linear proof computation and verification time.



In general,the scale of a network is primarily measured by its number of nodes and edges. But we generated six data tables for each chain, with increasing scale (100, 1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000) and time, based on the number of transitions. Significantly, the fetched data, being in CSV format, cannot be directly used for analysis. Therefore, it was necessary for this study to process the data and employ Pajek-formatted files for graph storage [19]. The subsequent data utilized in this research has been preprocessed into Pajek format.
