ASL; Pattern Recognition; Machine Learning; Computer Vision; Sign Gestures

The ability to train a robot to recognize human gestures is critical in enabling close proximity to Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). To that end, generating the appropriate dataset for the corresponding Machine Learning (ML) algorithm is essential. In this work, we introduced new datasets for hand gesture recognition. Given the complexity of generating thousands of physical hand gestures, we started with the basic hand gestures and developed additional synthetic gestures thus creating a comprehensive set.
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Speech impairment constitutes a challenge to an individual's ability to communicate effectively through speech and hearing. To overcome this, affected individuals’ resort to alternative modes of communication, such as sign language. Despite the increasing prevalence of sign language, there still exists a hindrance for non-sign language speakers to effectively communicate with individuals who primarily use sign language for communication purposes. Sign languages are a class of languages that employ a specific set of hand gestures, movements, and postures to convey messages.
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