Website Fingerprinting Dataset of Browsing Network Traffic for Desktop and Mobile Webpages

Citation Author(s):
Mohamad Amar Irsyad
Mohd Aminuddin
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Zarul Fitri
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Submitted by:
Mohamad Amar Ir...
Last updated:
Thu, 10/17/2024 - 10:27
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This is a dataset of Tor cell file extracted from browsing simulation using Tor Browser. The simulations cover both desktop and mobile webpages. The data collection process was using WFP-Collector tool ( All the neccessary configuration to perform the simulation as detailed in the tool repository.

The webpage URL is selected by using the first 100 website based on:

Each webpage URL is visited 90 times for each deskop and mobile browsing mode.

The captured network traffic are then extracted into Tor cell without SENDMEs removal. Each of the Tor cell file contains the network request and response traces with the relavant timestamp.


Each files contains list of timestamp and cell directions for each webpage instance.