Standard Dataset
Switching Cell with Pulse Frequency Modulation (SC-PFM)
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Jefferson Wilhe...
- Last updated:
- Thu, 07/06/2023 - 22:52
- DOI:
- 10.21227/xn3k-cf49
- Research Article Link:
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
This dataset presents the simulation and PCB design files associated with a Switching Cell with Pulse Frequency Modulation (SC-SFM) for DC-DC conversion. The aim of sharing these files on a data-sharing platform is to provide researchers and practitioners with resources for further exploration and development in dthe field of power electronics.
The SC-SFM switching cell offers several advantages in power conversion applications, inheriting key features from the boost variation, specifically the Interleaved Boost Converter with Pulse Frequency Modulation (IBC-PFM). This converter combines Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) characteristics, such as continuous conduction in the input inductor and limited current stress on active components, with desirable properties of some Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) converters, including resistive input behavior, soft-switching, and no reverse recovery for diodes.
The shared dataset includes a simulation file that can be used with PSIM software, facilitating an in-depth analysis of the SC-SFM converter's performance across different operating conditions. Additionally, the PCB design files for the prototype used in the associated article are made available, serving as a valuable reference for hardware implementation and experimental verification.
The "PFC IBC-SFM.psimsch" is a simulation file intended to be used with the PSIM software.
(PSIM 9.1)
First, extract the "IBC-SFM.psimsch" from the .zip file, then open it with the PSIM software.
The simulation can be used as it is. You can also try to change the emulated resistance Re = 4LmFs to comprehend better the topology/solution proposed.
The "IBC-PFM.FlatPrj" is a PCB design file intended to be used with the FlatCAM software.
(FlatCAM 8.991 BETA)