Standard Dataset
Supplemental Materials for 'A Twofold Look-up Table Architecture for EfficientApproximation of Activation Functions'
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Alex Noel Joseph raj
- Last updated:
- Tue, 05/17/2022 - 22:17
- DOI:
- 10.21227/k7qr-5x74
- Data Format:
- Research Article Link:
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
This zip file includes supplemental materials for the research "A Twofold Look-up Table Architecture for Efficient Approximation of Activation Functions".
File list:
Sigmoid_t_LUT/Sigmoid_t_LUT.xpr – the project file of FPGA implementation of Sigmoid in Vivado 2019.1;
Sigmoid_t_LUT/Sigmoid_t_LUT.srcs/sources_1/sigmoid_data_lut.coe –The data-LUT of T-LUT-based approximation of sigmoid function;
Sigmoid_t_LUT/Sigmoid_t_LUT.srcs/sources_1/sigmoid_error_lut.coe –The error-LUT of T-LUT-based approximation of sigmoid function;
Sigmoid_t_LUT/Sigmoid_t_LUT.srcs/sources_1/sigmoid_lut.coe –LUT-based approximation of sigmoid function;
Tanh_t_LUT/Tanh_t_LUT.xpr – the project file of FPGA implementation of Tanh in Vivado 2019.1;
Tanh_t_LUT/Tanh_t_LUT.srcs/sources_1/tanh_data_lut.coe –The data-LUT of T-LUT-based approximation of sigmoid function;
Tanh_t_LUT/Tanh_t_LUT.srcs/sources_1/tanh_error_lut.coe –The error-LUT of T-LUT-based approximation of sigmoid function;
Tanh_t_LUT/Tanh_t_LUT.srcs/sources_1/tanh_lut.coe –LUT-based approximation of tanh function;