Standard Dataset
Multi-channel BLE RSSI measurements for indoor localization
- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Maciej Nikodem
- Last updated:
- Tue, 05/17/2022 - 22:18
- DOI:
- 10.21227/hc74-3s30
- Data Format:
- Research Article Link:
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RSSI measurements collected by four anchors while receiving messages from a single mobile node transmitting advertisement and extended advertisement messages in all BLE channels (both primary and secondary advertisement channels). Tests conducted in 10x10 m office area (no large obstacles), with 4 anchors located in the corners of the area.
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Unzip the archive
The 'csv' folder contains 4 subfolders:
- diag0 and diag1 - contain measurements along the diagonals of the area
- inside - contains measurements along a rectangular grid of side 1m. Some points missing due to obstacles, i.e. desks
- perimeter - contains measurements along the perimeter of the area
Each folder contains 4 CSV files named S0, S1, S2, S3. Each file contains measurements by a corresponding anchors.
Each CSV file contains a single header line and 7 columns:
- anchor - identifier of an anchors. It is the same as name of the file
- x - real X coordinate of the location where RSSI was measured
- y - real Y coordinate
- distance - real distance in meters from (x,y) location to the anchor
- distance_cm - real distance in centimeters (rounded)
- channel - BLE channel used for transmission
- RSSI - RSSI measurement on the channel used
Each line of a CSV file contains information about a single measurement collected.
good work
great work