Ludo management system project report

Citation Author(s):
Tribhuvan University
Submitted by:
Kamal Acharya
Last updated:
Sat, 03/08/2025 - 07:21
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OpenGL is a library for doing computer graphics.By using it, we can create interactive applications which

render high-quality color images composed of 3D geometric objects and images. OpenGL is window and

operating system independent. As such, the part of our application which does rendering is platform inde-

pendent.However, in order for OpenGLto be able to render, it needs awindow to draw into. Generally, The

Project OpenGL Ludo-Board Game is a computer graphics project. The computer graphics project used

open source library –OpenGL with the c++. This c++ project is based on one of the oldest Board Game –

the Ludo. This OpenGL Ludo game is of two player game and not the regular four player. Ludo is a board

game for two to four players,in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish accordingly to die

rolls.Like other cross and circle games,Ludo is derived from the Indian game Pachisi but simpler.The game

and its variant are popular in many countries .


OpenGL is a library for doing computer graphics.By using it, we can create interactive applications which

render high-quality color images composed of 3D geometric objects and images. OpenGL is window and

operating system independent. As such, the part of our application which does rendering is platform inde-

pendent.However, in order for OpenGLto be able to render, it needs awindow to draw into. Generally, The

Project OpenGL Ludo-Board Game is a computer graphics project. The computer graphics project used

open source library –OpenGL with the c++. This c++ project is based on one of the oldest Board Game –

the Ludo. This OpenGL Ludo game is of two player game and not the regular four player. Ludo is a board

game for two to four players,in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish accordingly to die

rolls.Like other cross and circle games,Ludo is derived from the Indian game Pachisi but simpler.The game

and its variant are popular in many countries .

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