Standard Dataset
Hibbot data - proof of concept

- Citation Author(s):
- Submitted by:
- Ann Hallemans
- Last updated:
- Fri, 10/16/2020 - 06:12
- DOI:
- 10.21227/70zv-tc49
- Data Format:
- License:
- Categories:
- Keywords:
This dataset contains the output from 3D gait analysis. Over a period of 3 months, between January 1st and March 31st in 2019, 5 children were familiarized with the Hibbot by using the walking aid for 30 minutes, twice a week, under the supervision of a physiotherapist. Physical examination and gait analysis were performed before (December 17 – 21, 2018) and after (April 1 – 5, 2019) a familiarisation period with the Hibbot, at the local gait lab. Children had to meet the following inclusion criteria: confirmed diagnosis of CP, GMFCS level II-IV, age between 2 and 7 years, stature less than 1.25 meters and body weight less than 30 kilograms. Children were encouraged to walk at self-selected speed over the walkway in Hibbot or using their habitual walking aid (if necessary, Table I) in a randomized order. Patients walked either barefoot or with ankle-foot orthoses, if necessary.
Kinematics and kinetics of gait were recorded by an optical motion capture system (8 camera’s, 120 Hz., Qualisys Proreflex, Goteborg, Sweden) surrounding a 10-meter walkway and synchronized with 3 force-platforms (two of 0.5mx0.5m and one of 1.0x0.5m; AMTI Accugait, 1000 Hz., Advanced Medical Technology Inc., Massachusetts, USA). Reflective markers were attached to the skin over specific anatomical landmarks: Markers were placed on processus spinosus of the 7th cervical vertebra (C7), incisura jugulars (IJ), processus xyphoideus (PX) and bilaterally over the clavicular head (CC), major trochanteres (TM), lateral epicondyles (LE), lateral malleoli (LM), calcanei (CA) and 2nd metatarsal heads (MTII). Gait analysis data in C3D file format was analysed using visual 3D software (Visual3D Professional v5.01.9, C-motion, Kingston, ON, Canada) and custom models. The body was modelled as an interconnected chain of rigid segments: CC – TM for trunk, TM – LE for thigh, LE – LM for leg and LM – MT for foot. In addition, the thorax was modelled as a 6 – degrees – of – freedom segment with the segment coordinate system definitions partially adapted from the ISB recommendations.
Following data are included in the dataset:
- step-time parameters
- kinematic time profiles of thorax (flexion/extension and lateroflexion), hip (flexion/extension) and knee (flexion/extension) as a function of gait cycle duration (expressed from 0 - 100%)
- peak vertical ground reaction forces
Kinematic time profiles can be analysed using spm code (
Dataset Files
- Step-time parameters 20201016_Dataset_Hibbot_STP.csv (6.01 kB)
- Thorax flexion and extension 20201016_Dataset_Hibbot_Thorax-X.csv (52.16 kB)
- Thorax lateral flexion 20201016_Dataset_Hibbot_Thorax-Y.csv (48.19 kB)
- Hip flexion and extension 20201016_Dataset_Hibbot_Hip.csv (131.50 kB)
- Knee flexion and extension 20201016_Dataset_Hibbot_Knee.csv (88.53 kB)
- Peak vertical ground reaction force 20201016_Dataset_Hibbot_Force.csv (7.16 kB)
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418.48 KB |